Svensk Kirurgi nr 4-24

181 SVENSK KIRURGI • VOLYM 82 • NR 4 • 2024 Referenser: 1. Nordenvall C, Myrelid P, Ekbom A, Bottai M, Smedby KE, Olen O, Nilsson PJ. Probability, rate and timing of reconstructive surgery following colectomy for inflammatory bowel disease in Sweden: a population-based cohort study. Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland 2015;17(10):882-90. 2. Worley G, Nordenvall C, Askari A, Pinkney T, Burns E, Akbar A, Olen O, Ekbom A, Bottai M, Myrelid P, Faiz O. Restorative surgery after colectomy for ulcerative colitis in England and Sweden: observations from a comparison of nationwide cohorts. Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland 2018;20(9):804-812. 3. Lundberg Bave A, Olen O, Soderling J, Group Ss, Ludvigsson JF, Bergquist A, Nordenvall C. Colectomy in patients with ulcerative colitis is not associated to future diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis. United European Gastroenterol J 2023;11(5):471-481. PMC10256996. 4. Kalman TD, Everhov AH, Nordenvall C, Sachs MC, Halfvarson J, Ekbom A, Ludvigsson JF, Myrelid P, Olen O. Decrease in primary but not in secondary abdominal surgery for Crohn's disease: nationwide cohort study, 1990-2014. Br J Surg 2020;107(11):1529-1538. 5. Nordenvall C, Olen O, Nilsson PJ, von Seth E, Ekbom A, Bottai M, Myrelid P, Bergquist A. Colectomy prior to diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis is associated with improved prognosis in a nationwide cohort study of 2594 PSC-IBD patients. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 2018;47(2):238-245. 6. Lundberg Bave A, Bergquist A, Bottai M, Warnqvist A, von Seth E, Nordenvall C. Increased risk of cancer in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis. Hepatol Int 2021;15(5):1174-1182. PMC8514354. 7. Lundberg Bave A, von Seth E, Ingre M, Nordenvall C, Bergquist A. Autoimmune diseases in primary sclerosing cholangitis and their firstdegree relatives. Hepatology 2024 8. Risto A, Nordenvall C, Deputy M, Hermanson M, Lindforss U, Block M, Faiz O, Myrelid P. Colectomy reconstruction for ulcerative colitis in Sweden and England: a multicenter prospective comparison between ileorectal anastomosis and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis after colectomy in patients with ulcerative colitis. (CRUISE-study). BMC Surg 2023;23(1):96. PMC10122388. 9. Nordenvall C, Westberg K, Soderling J, Everhov AH, Halfvarson J, Ludvigsson JF, Myrelid P, Olen O. Restorative Surgery Is More Common in Ulcerative Colitis Patients With a High Income: A Population-Based Study. Dis Colon Rectum 2021;64(3):301-312. 10. Nordenvall C, Olen O, Nilsson PJ, Ekbom A, Bottai M, Myrelid P. The Fate of Reconstructive Surgery Following Colectomy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Sweden: A Population-based Cohort Study. Journal of Crohn's & colitis 2016;10(10):1165-71. 11. Myrelid P, Soop M, George BD. Surgical Planning in Penetrating Abdominal Crohn's Disease. Front Surg 2022;9:867830. PMC9110798. 12. Kokkinou E, Soini T, Pandey RV, van Acker A, Theorell J, Czarnewski P, Kvedaraite E, Vandamme N, Lourda M, Sorini C, Weigel W, Carrasco A, Tibbitt CA, Schlums H, Lindforss U, Nordenvall C, Ljunggren M, Idestrom M, Svensson M, Henter JI, Villablanca EJ, Bryceson YT, Rolandsdotter H, Mjosberg J. The single-cell transcriptional landscape of innate and adaptive lymphocytes in pediatric-onset colitis. Cell Rep Med 2023;4(5):101038. PMC10213874. 13. Kvedaraite E, Lourda M, Idestrom M, Chen P, Olsson-Akefeldt S, Forkel M, Gavhed D, Lindforss U, Mjosberg J, Henter JI, Svensson M. Tissue-infiltrating neutrophils represent the main source of IL-23 in the colon of patients with IBD. Gut 2016;65(10):1632-41. Kirurgveckan Behöver Sverige ett strukturerat traumasystem? Nationell arbetsgrupp Trauma bjuder in till workshop. Inbjudna är företrädare från samtliga regioner, samt representanter från de intresseorganisationer som ingår i Löfs säker-trauma projekt. Datum - 28 november 2024 Plats - Stockholm Informationen vi får ut från denna workshop utgör grunden för en framtida rapport, samt ligger till grund för den första implementeringen av en nationell traumastruktur i Sverige.